The Parochial Church Council is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the church, ensuring that audited accounts of church funds are prepared. It also makes decisions that affect the prospects of the church, always striving to maintain our ethos and mission plan.
The PCC meets 6 times a year and is made up of elected members chosen annually at the AGM (held in April/May)
Fr David Lambert
Rosalind Black
Carlotr Lovell
Sheryl Payne
Antonio Joseph
Stephen Jasper
Roslyn Seymour
Parish Priest.
PCC Secretary.
Electoral Roll Officer.
Deanery Synod Rep.
Director of Music.
Children’s Champion.
Norma Watts
Antonio Joseph
Yvonne Nichols
Joy Ahunanya
Joycelyn Stewart
Jan Lord
PCC Member.
PCC Member.
PCC Member.
Safeguarding Officer.